Monday, November 2, 2009

Weekend at the Herb Village

I am back at school after having a 5-day weekend due to some of the students getting swine flu.  I came to school voluntarily to meet up with someone and I played baseball with some of the kids 3 days in a row.  On the third day I played with some elementary school kids so I was pegged by wild pitches a few times, but it was just with a tennis ball. 

During the weekend I went to a college conference in an herb village close to Anseong which is about an hour south of Ansan.  I took some pictures but it looks like my USB cable has taken too much wear so I cannot post them right now, but it was an ok trip.

The message was on John chapter six (the one with the breaking of the bread and fish to feed the crowd).  It was targeted for people who may have not met with a large gathering yet.  I arrived on Friday night before 8.  Even though the speaker was a Californian it was difficult to pay attention during the meeting because I would have to wait for the Korean translation.  

Then that night a lot of the brothers played a board game called Catan.  They were able to stay up as late as they wanted.  I met a guy named Peter and he invited me to play soccer with his friends the next day.  So I decided to get some practice in case my schools teachers have another soccer match against the teachers from a local high school.

 The next night I stayed up pretty late playing Catan with some of the brothers.  Unfortunately, I did not win.  We lost track of time and stayed up until 2:45 am playing the board game.  Then when we went to our room, not only was someone sleeping in my spot, but there was only one blanket for the three of us.  So I was pretty disapointed, and I felt that I had been ripped off by the business, since I paid around $60 for the weekend but didn't get a bed the second night.

Even though the accomodations were sub-par I was still glad that I went because I met a brother and also someone whom I had previously met in America showed up and said hi on the last day. 

Now it is getting really cold here.

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