Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Guess Who

Before I came to Korea I was pretty excited about playing a game with the students called Guess Who.  I first learned about it from Simon and Martina (a young couple originally from Canada).  Here is the link to the lesson

It was exciting for the kids because they were able to see Korean and American celebrities.  I think most of the kids in the level two class knew enough English to play the game, but the level one needed a lesson on describing people's appearance.

Even though I wrote down on the white board that the #1 Rule was not to draw on the the game pieces, it was too tempting for them.  One girl today took  a game piece from her neighbor (a boy) and drew a big heart around this guy,

 and then she gave it back to him.  It made me wonder why she didn't just do that to her own piece.  I think the Korean kids are funny.  So I had to make them all put away their pens and pencils.

I taught them how to ask about gender, nationality, accesories, hair color, hair style, and eye color.  Originally I was able to use a projector that projected onto a touch screen board that is synced with the computer.  The students were really excited about this, and I think it is pretty helpful for demonstrating.  Also it works well for watching internet TV when I do not have any students  =)  I can actually draw images by tracing my finger over the projected image. I was not able to use it today because my computer is having Windows re-installed in English, finally.  Now I wonder if maybe it was distracting, since the student are not used to seeing something that cool in the classroom yet.

I was able to teach the Tae Kwon Do students for the first time today.  My teacher told me that the students are excited because most Taw Kwon Do students in other schools don't have their own English classes.  Their class was only 16 people so it made a huge difference over having to teach the normal 36+ students I usually have.  Their group needed the most instruction, but at the end of the period they were able to play the game.  Also during the class they were very disciplined and well behaved, so I enjoyed having them.  I may be meeting with them 4 times a week which is more than I will be meeting with any other group so this may be my second favorite group, behind teaching debate.

Last week a couple of the kids told me that I look like Homer Simpson.  I guess they saw the image of him on their pencil boxes.  Then today, when I gave them the handout, a couple of them said I look just like Brad Pitt.  So I told them that they do not get any homework (I never give homework, because I think they are already busy enough, and I only see most of them once a week.  Also they all go to private academies outside of the public school system at night)

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